Florence Petit-Gagnon

Co-Founder, Nooé


Florence Petit-Gagnon has experience in both entrepreneurship and PR/communications before becoming an intrapreneure within Mirego, a end-to-end digital product team. At the origin of Nooé, an internal project that became a foundation in its own right, she gave herself the audacious mission of raising the average annual donation in Quebec by mobilizing businesses around corporate philanthropy.

Why are you interested in participating at Product4Good?

Sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility are both fascinating me. The more I learn about it, the more I want to know. And sharing this passion with your audience is the goal I set for myself with this talk.

May each of them leave with a clear understanding of what defines the social sphere of sustainable development, its importance and possible solutions to implement in their own businesses. So that our organizations evolve and become better.

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