
Inspired by generosity: Jean-Luc Sanscartier’s commitment to Techaide

At the ACMQ annual conference in Lévis, Jean-Luc Sanscartier gave a talk on June 5, in collaboration with Formations Infopresse. His $1500 fee was generously donated to Techaide, via Centraide. Discover the motivations and impact of this inspiring donation.

What inspired you to make this generous donation to Techaide?

People like Laurent Maisonnave, Nicholas Morel, Shibl Mourad, etc., who donate time and money and get involved around me, inspire me to donate my lecture fees to organizations on a daily basis.

In the specific case of this donation, not having much time with two young children and a job at Google Montreal, the idea of doing two stones at once struck me after reading somewhere about speakers donating their fees to organizations/events. I found it a very inspiring idea, so I decided to do the same.

Here, it’s super simple. The event/company hosting my talk donates my fee to the organization of my choice. They receive a tax credit after their donation and it helps my mission to democratize technology/marketing and my philanthropic goals.

How does your professional and personal background influence your commitment to philanthropy?

Since my family has already used certain assistance services, it’s natural for me to want to give back to the community.

I’m lucky enough to have a good job that pays well, and to have had a few good moves in my career, so I can afford to share this wealth with others.

What’s more, my employer doubles the value of my donations when I make them in my name, so it’s very motivating to support charitable causes because the impact is even greater.

What impact do you hope to see thanks to your contribution to Techaide and Centraide?

Every dollar counts for some families/individuals so I hope my donation will help them to have a little respite in this increasingly expensive world.

What advice would you give to other professionals who want to get involved in similar charities?

We often think that our $100, $200, $1,000 or $5,000 donation won’t make much difference, but that’s not true, because every dollar counts.

There are so many ways to get involved personally and corporately that we should all do it. It’s easy to have a pizza lunch at the office in exchange for a donation of $5 per employee, which the employer doubles. Boom, we collect $200-500 in the blink of an eye

ps: invite me, I love pizza and I’ll give you a good show on the AI ;)

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